Ass'y No. ST LED
PWRB DWZ1106 D9 HDD_IND HDD access indicator HDD access
D10 V+5VSB Check STB +5V line Output +5V from Power supply (STB+5V line)
D11 V+5V Check +5V line Output +5V from Power supply (+5V line)
D12 V+3.3VD Check +3.3V line Output +3.3V from IC201
D13 V+2.5VD Check +2.5V line Output +2.5V from IC101
D19 V+5VSB_M Check STB+5V line for MB Output +5V from RY1 (+5VSB line)
D24 FAN DET Check FAN status STB or FAN status is okay
Without Option Drive: Check REAR and Drive1 FAN all time
With Option Drive: Check REAR, Drive1 and Drive2 FAN all time
Check PS_ON signal from
Output high level signal from STB or MB
When D25 is on, D11, D12 and D13 are off.
PS-ON sequence
1. Turn on the rear power switch -> Light on D10, D24 and D25
finally D681(USBB) light on.
PCIB DWP1080 D2101 V-12V Check PCI -12V line Output -12V from MB
D2102 V+12V Check PCI +12V line Output +12V from MB
D2301 V+5M Check PCI +5V Output +5V from MB, TH2351(PolySwitch) is okay
D2304 FPGA active Check the status of Xilinx IC Default: light on, trance far data: blink
D2305 PTD[0] Status: the encoder [0] Error status (power on)
D2306 PTD[1]
Status: the encoder [1]
LED status [3][2][1][0]
D2307 PTD[2]
Status: the encoder [2]
No error 0000
D2308 PTD[3]
Status: the encoder [3]
PCIB Xilinx ( IC2309 ) 0001
AVIB Xilinx ( IC5004 ) 0010
reserved 0011
SDRAM ( IC2404 ) 0100
Slalom ( IC2001 ) 0101
Slalom SDRAM ( IC2003 ) 0110
George ( IC3502 ) 0111
Vaikilt ( IC5002 ) 1000
Aprilia ( IC6003 ) 1001
Celynx ( IC4001 ) 1010
Dvxcel ( IC7004 ) 1011
Audery ( IC6002 ) 1100
DECB D1181 PTD[0] Status: the decoder [0] Normal:
D1182 PTD[1] Status: the decoder [1] Play random
D1185 PTD[2] Status: the decoder [2] Stop All LED turn off
D1186 PTD[3] Status: the decoder [3] Error Status:
Flash writing NG All LED turn on
Xilinx Configuration Error all LED blink 1sec by 1sec
SH SDRAM Error D1181 turns on
Video Encoder Initialize Er
D1182 turns on
AV1 Initialize Error D1185 turns on
D1186 turns on
AVIB DWV1198 D3201 V+12I Check +12V line Output +12V from PWRB
D3202 V+5DI Check +5V line Output +5V from PWRB, IC3205 (ICP-S2.3) is okay
D3203 V+3_3I Check +3.3V line Output +3.3V from PWRB
D3204 V+2_5I Check +2.5V line Output +2.5V from PWRB
D5001 ENC OK Check the status of Xilinx IC Default: light on, transfer data: blink
D5002 WMKD7 Status the encoder [3] =PCIB Error Status:
D5003 WMKD6
Status the encoder [2]
D5004 WMKD5
Status the encoder [1]
D5005 WMKD4
Status the encoder [0]
Function Status of LED on
2. Turn on the front power switch -> D19 light on,
and then D25 light off, next D11, D12 and D13 light on.
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